Out of Business
Dear Fellow Photographer,
After over a decade of making focusing screens, it is time for us to move on to different ventures. So it is with great sorrow that we must announce the closing of KatzEye™ Optics. We had hoped to negotiate the sale of KatzEye™, so that production of our products could continue; but unfortunately, those plans have not come to fruition and we are therefore ending our production.Our customer support will continue to be available - we still stand behind every product we shipped. If you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
It has been our great pleasure and honor to meet and support so many wonderful photographers over the years and we will miss you all greatly. Thank you for your patronage and your many shared photos and kudos over the years - your support made KatzEye™ happen! Best wishes in all that you do, and may the universe favor you with abundant and beautiful photo opportunities!
Warmest Regards,
The KatzEye™ Optics Team